Coined by the YouTuber Tpindell. It means to have sex with another woman. She will have her feet up in the air and while you are raming her with your rock hard cock her ankles will move side to side like they are loose.
Yo baby girl you know I love you and everything. I just want to be your friend but on a side note can I knock them ankles loose.
by PBandJ January 2, 2016
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City term used to express the action of sexual intercourse between two people. Referring to how loose ankles get when getting hit from the back.
Cheddar Billy: Hey shorty you tryna let me knock them ankles loose and blow your back out? I'm in apt 112.
Shaquaylayaway: nah Billy you a bum and my homegirl told me u got limp shrimp dick. So, no thank you.
Cheddar Billy: dang nabit maybe next time.
by GrimeyD March 3, 2016
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