It's generally assumed that Kel Mitchell is just anoter Orange Soda loving African-American - This is far from the actual truth. To the untrained eye he is a fiend, a madman in ditress; but in reality he is the greatest threat to the western hemisphere. Kel Mitchell is fueled by Orange Soda, it's orangy molecules giving birth to the true form which he so constantly desires. He is kept alive by the soda. At his mid-optimal peak it is sometimes observed that Kel will lose all forms of human reasoning, careless flailing his Orange Soda into every direction. The only way he is kept under control is by micro-control-chips lodged into his head, the effects are seen when at Kel's mid-optimum peak, he twitches and shakes as if he is being shocked. These chips are the only thing that keeps the world safe, and the only thing that can control Kel Mitchell.
I went to a taping of Kenan and Kel once... I wandered off backstage and noticed Kel sitting in a chair alone, looking at the ground and picking at the various wires that were attatched to his neck. I realized then, that Kel Mitchell is not human.
by Let's not say. July 25, 2006
(n) a mixed drink wherein one combines orange soda and vodka in some ratio depending on personal preference
by Krunczmasta July 22, 2009