Kearra is a bad bitch simple.
Jamie: why is kearra such a baddie

Jess: cause she’s kearra duh!
by Angelicqueen April 8, 2019
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Kearra is a girl that is a really good friend. She will never back stab. Shes very understanding. Shes beautiful and funny. All the guys love Kearra (: . A Kearra is a crazy loving girl. Respects others. Is reasonsble. And a Kearra is a cool girl to be around.
Joe - Kearra is looking good today!
Bob- Agreed
Joe- Back off shes mine (;
by iloveu123 June 8, 2011
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Kearra is a shy girl, she’s beautiful, caring, loves animals and can be very sensitive. Despite her being sensitive Kearra has a fierce heart and a very strong morale, but she needs to learn to speak up for herself. Kearra often underestimates her beauty and charm, shes not like every other girl she’s different. She has the unique ability to turn a boy into a man or a playboy into a husband. Kearra’s a baddie, I love her more then life itself.
Person 1: Have you met kearra, shes so hotttttt.
Person 2: Yeah man, i’d totally let that girl have my babies.
by BigCockMan274772 November 22, 2021
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