You have already tried typing all of the keys in a spiral-like fashion starting in the LEFT of the middle row,

" sdfghjklpoiuytrewqazxcvbnm " but now you decided to take the ultimate task of starting in the left of the middle row, making a spiral. This is a much harder task due to the locations of the keys on the keyboard, when you are about halfway through.

If you are actually doing this, you are either mentally unhealthy, or have nothing else to do in life.
John: Hey! I just typed " jhgfdsaqwertyuioplmnbvcxz " in urban dictionary for fun!

Robert: John, you seriously need to get an actual life, get a job or something. You have been doing this for almost 2 months now, im scared for you. Your family is worried about you. Please... Seek mental help.
by Minecraft Muffin September 30, 2020
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