jazz metal

1. The most Metal of Metals

2. A highly technical genre of progressive death metal which first emerged in the late-80's. Its Music is frequently driven by very prominant basslines and is characterized by its use of heavily distorted guitars, harsh vocals and fast-paced heavy metal riffs alongside jazz-like progressions and rapid meter changes. Largely seen as the red headed step child of the metal-world because of its bizarre hybrid nature - too harsh for media glam and too light for the regular underground scene.
D - "Hey, man, what kinda music are you into?"
T - "Jazz Metal"
D - "What the hell is that?!"

Bands - Atheist, Cynic, Aghora, etc.
by Cíor Thuathail January 11, 2006
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That is our genre of music, Down tuned jazz shred metal- Alecsandr James (The Guitarist)
by THEREYNOLDSPAMPHLET December 30, 2019
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