Jargonstorming is like brain-storming, except the brain has been replaced by jargon. The jargonstormer (i.e., the speaker or writer leveling the jargonstorm at listeners or readers) frequently is unaware that they are not actually saying anything due to a lack of understanding of the underlying meanings of the jargon they employ as they fail to make any point; cynically, the jargonstormer is sometimes aware of this, and is leveraging the jargonstorm strategically to preempt meaningful contributions from others, by overwhelming those unfamiliar with the jargon and alternatively disgusting those who "see" through the jargonstorm to the point that the jargonstormer is not called to task for their transgression.
The following utterance is an example of jargonstorming: In order to properly agendize what we are doing such that we can maximize the synergies to leverage this window of opportunity, we need to strike while the iron is hot and keep pushing the envelope.
by learning2Bbrief November 22, 2010
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