They are two motherfuckers who take everyone for granted. They lie are manipulative. unpopular have no friends and don't know when to shave their pedo-staches. They are pussies. Talk shit but can't fight or act on what they say. Don't ever date them unless you want someone to control everything you do.

Jake and Josh:"You're a slut! So uh...wanna go out with me?"

Jake and Josh:"You're lonely as fuck! So uh...wanna go out with me?"
Beware of Jake and Josh Hayes they're Egyptian fucks!
by Kayluc22 April 12, 2019
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The battle of the Jakes, Joshes, and Dunkons is where every single person on this planet named Jake, Josh, and Dunkon fight to the death (Not literally, only with paintball guns) and whichever Jake, Dunkon, and Josh is standing wins. This will take place on April 24th, officially replacing National Rape Day!
Josh1:Dude, today is The Battle of the Jakes, Joshes, and Dunkons!
Josh2: Relax, Josh. You’ll be fine.
Josh1: But dude... your name is Josh too...
Josh2: .....fuk
by BUG_GUTZ April 22, 2021
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