strong female, open minded, and self less. this female cares for all and it takes a lot for her to give up on you! this female does have a bad temper/attitude though. takes love over passion, and is the loyal type of friend/girlfriend. this female is low key and laid back. and is an amazing friend this will bring nothing but smiles! this female NEVER BACKS DOWN TO ANYONE, start an argument and she will finish it!! this female is all around PERFECT but not a PERFECTIONIST
by jayla🐵 September 25, 2018
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A pretty and loyal girl. She doesn’t deal with bullshit. Fights a lot over little petty shit. Keeps her distance from people. And hangs out with a small group of girls. And will be very successful
That pretty girl Jakaya
by MiyaLL July 6, 2018
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jakaya is pretty girl. Small but feisty , And never backs down from anything. She is really spoiled and very loyal (to friends and guy that she dates).
Get a friend or girlfriend like Jakaya
by MiyaLL July 6, 2018
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Jakaya is pretty, crazy most of the time, loyal and went with a boy named Charleston and liked lavar but dont fuck with him no more
Hey that is Jakaya
by Jakaya December 7, 2016
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