The Main currency of Oceania under INGSOC's regime. Designed by one of Big Brother's Minions, Made from the Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue)
The Coins has the INGSOC symbol as the Tail, and Big Brother's face as the Head (which may hence "Big Brother is Watching You"). The Cash has INGSOC symbols, at it's front, with the amount of Cash labeled in between; and INGSOC quotes on the Back, with a Face of Big Brother.

$0.01: Penny
$0.05: Nickel
$0.10: Dime
$0.20: Doubledime (Oldspeak: 2 Dimes)
$0.25: Quarter
$0.50: Half Loonie
$1: Loonie
$2: Toonie

Shopkeeper: Hi, what do you wanna buy?
Ryan Evans: I want to buy 6 comics please
Shopkeeper: That will be 52. 30 ingsoc dollars please
Ryan Evans: I have a $100 dollar, so here you go.
Shopkeeper: Have a doubleplusgood day goodthinker!
by mrbeast539275 November 25, 2024
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