In love with you
Boyfriend: Hey baby, I'm waiting outside with food
You: AWEEEE I'm so ilwy
by princessjen April 7, 2016
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1. Person with gorgeous looks and amazing smile.
2. Person who is loved and by everyone.
3. Person who is fun to be around.
"Ilwi your awesome."
"You look ilwi, today"
by Anonymous...obviously March 25, 2009
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Samantha: There's something wrong with me :(
Yas: No hun... ILWIS
by Ashamandra May 8, 2010
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1. funny way of running.
2. person with a Sweet and Bitter personality.
3.Person who is tease a lot.
Why are you Ilwi, You're such a Ilwi, Stop tease the Ilwi. ilwi
"Ilwi "
by James2009 March 24, 2009
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In love with you.
Hey babe, I'm ILWY.
by cccc._0 August 19, 2018
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