a.) An adjective to describe a person that is special/unique and/or just had a moment that, in a way, they display characteristics that are usually thought of when one thinks of the stereotypical gay, (i.e. over pronouncing S's, hand waving, etc.)
b.) An adjective to describe an unfair situation or happening.
Guy 1: Oh my god, I just ssssso saw this hot girl over there, I think she's checkin' me out man!
Guy 2: Yeah, I think she is!
Guy 1: (flicks wrist and touching guy 2's arm) Am I the only one thinkin' I'll get laid tonight?
Guy 2: (looks down, puzzled) What the fuck, man, that was so homospecial!
by PersonWhoIsSomething-Lizterine December 23, 2005
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a.) An adjective to describe a person that is special/unique and/or just had a moment that, in a way, they display characteristics that are usually thought of when one thinks of the stereotypical gay, (i.e. over pronouncing S's, hand waving, etc.)
b.) An adjective to describe an unfair situation or happening.
Guy 1: Oh my god, I just ssssso saw this hot girl over there, I think she's checkin' me out man!
Guy 2: Yeah, I think she is!
Guy 1: (flicks wrist and touching guy 2's arm) Am I the only one thinkin' I'll get laid tonight?
Guy 2: (looks down, puzzled) What the fuck, man, that was so homospecial!
by PersonWhoIsSomething-Lizterine December 11, 2005
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