by MexSpanGer Girl (not IR) April 30, 2008
person 1: "goodnight"
person 2: "goodnight"
-long pause-
person 1: "i thought you were going to hang up first
person 2: "well i thought you were going to hang up first"
person 1: "uh-oh looks like we have a hang up hang up"
person 2: "goodnight"
-long pause-
person 1: "i thought you were going to hang up first
person 2: "well i thought you were going to hang up first"
person 1: "uh-oh looks like we have a hang up hang up"
by Khelleh February 14, 2011
Used when a friend pulls out their phone among a group setting and fails to interact with fellow peers.
by Carlock13 April 25, 2018