Hairat means surprise. He truly is a surprise not only to his family but to many others who does not truly knows him.He loves faking his coolness by acting and coping those who he feels are cool and loved the most. But he does not know he himself has more value than all those people he thinks are cool and good looking. He has a good heart but he hides it. He cares but he shows he does not. Even after being shot by his harsh words you cannot hate him. He does not know how many people have crush on him and so he unintentionally hurts them by acting weird.How much you pretend you dislike him from inside heart you know he is special to you. His those long silky black hair, thin lips,funny smile and black eyes , cant resist you from being his friend and maybe much more. He does not know his true self. He is shy, he pretends to be strong but he has very soft heart.Once you will know the true inner him and not what he shows he is, you can never hate him.He needs a true friend that is not filtered, natural and accept him for who he is. He needs acceptance, he is not at all boring to those who knows the true him.
I love you hairat, dont know if the world cares or not, I do care and always will.
by Aditya Shah November 23, 2021
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