Loving beautiful Most amazing person you will ever meet so hold on while you can and don't mess up she is extremely sensitive but don't get on her bad side
Grey (name) is all the beauty of the world
by gwam13 March 13, 2017
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commonly found in youtuber Linkuru's discord server (uru crew) they are a species of human with no roles. many people seem to dislike most grey names as they have annoying traits and no one knows them. however, the word grey name has turned into an insult recently with grey name people often being judged and ignored. grey names often complain about their treatment which spurs even more harsh treatment. however a small percentage of grey names overcome their harsh enviroments and become level 5 brown names.
level 50: stfu you stupid grey name
grey name: h-hey i just joined
level 30: no one gives a fuck piss off
by Triat Blades January 27, 2021
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