A monotonous phrase that the infamous NekoD says in real life.
Cliet: I AA'd 5.1.1. on Another 7!!!!111oneoneone

Decon: God, thats gay
by Cliet March 9, 2005
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(n.) a fictional divinity residing in the minds of homosexual men, a kind of wishful thinking phenomena taking on a shape of supreme being omnipresent in the hearts of homosexual men. God of gay is usually praised for a satisfactory erection, a brilliant idea regarding how to approach one's crush and for all gay thoughts.
I had a fabulous wank this morning. Thank you, god of gay!
by Sasha Henke March 14, 2006
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Hoemg/Hoe my god/Hoe my gay are words that are used to express a feeling of shock.
It originated from LovelyPeaches jkjk
Emma: Hey fat ugly rat!
Karen: Hoemg/Hoe my god/Hoe my gay, your so mean! I'm going to keep asking you "Where is the manager?" until your body turns to dust!
Emma: is shooketh
Karen: Where's the manager?
by Tonbori-chan May 6, 2020
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