A ridiculously large caramel pudding that was created by the Japanese in an attempt to restore the economy, turn everyone in japan into sumo wrestlers and take over the world with an army of fat Asian people.
Costing nearly $40, the dreams of restoring the economy and taking over the world failed as the giga puddings popularity died out rapidly amongst the people of Japan.
The theme tune itself was thought to brain wash people into buying and consuming an unethical number of giga puddings.
Costing nearly $40, the dreams of restoring the economy and taking over the world failed as the giga puddings popularity died out rapidly amongst the people of Japan.
The theme tune itself was thought to brain wash people into buying and consuming an unethical number of giga puddings.
by lollerbatez January 21, 2010
Another word for terminal diabetes. The best way to get a triple bypass surgery. Now coming to McDonald's.
Oh my god you have Giga pudding.
by I💗Hypixel May 18, 2016