GEVids aka GEVideos aka GamingEntertainment videos is a guy who edits video surrounding a block game. His upload schedule is pretty decent too. Jemplix is better
GEVids; I like editing

Jemplix: me too
Premiere: I am best out there
Sony Vegas: NO I AM
WeVideo: what about me
by Hypixelr291 October 11, 2020
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a dude who likes making clips of saving hamood habibi.
If saving GEVids or Hamood Habibi was a choice.
by Tiktoker24176 March 1, 2021
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GEVids aka GEVideos aka GamingEntertainment videos is a guy who edits video surrounding a block game. His upload schedule is pretty decent too. Jemplix is better
GEVids; I like editing

Jemplix: me too
Premiere: I am best out there
Sony Vegas: NO I AM
WeVideo: what about me
by Hypixelr291 October 11, 2020
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guy on the intenrt who does minecraft videos and like minecraft video he has like 5 subscribers on yt and 10 followers on tiktok
by BaconPog March 3, 2021
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