The place where you put all of your friends that you aren't very close with (i.e. the back of your phone/social media accounts). You don't talk or hangout with them very often, so they end up buried underneath all of your other social media conversations.
*person sends you unfunny meme for the 20th time*

You: someone's going in my person garage.
by yeppbrep July 14, 2021
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1. A group of people who prefer content filmed or recorded in a garage environment rather than content filmed in other locations. Often said in a loud voice.

2. A group of people who like garages
Person 1: Hey man, heard of PewDiePie's floor gang?

Person 2: No, I'M A GARAGE GANG

Person 1: what?
by LloydtheCheeseman March 13, 2022
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A band that calls themselves hardcore, only plays in a garage and on the street. Their 1 single fan is a fire hydrant.
Talking fire hydrant: HeY
random guy: Wat
Talking fire hydrant: have you heard of insert band name here? They are so great!
1 concert of said band later...
random guy: HeY
random guy's friend: Wat
random guy: insert band name here... went to their concert with a fire hydrant... What a garage band!
by moleonneck April 24, 2023
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Probably one of the best Metallica albums out there.
Garage Days was the best
by HorkerPorker October 25, 2017
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