1. A deplorable human being.
2. A broken/discarded dildo.
"Vomit-filled skinbag Nigel Farage says Trump's deplorable behavior is "just how men talk." No it isn't, you fuckheel. It's how scum talk." - Wil Wheaton
by dedeyedik October 8, 2016
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A word used generally to describe someone permanently friend zoned, specifically Wil Wheaton.

Oh, btw Wil, people do notice when you make up retarded random words and post them here to jack yourself off.
Wil Wheaton is a complete fuckheel. Look at him. He does panels with Felicia, poses with Felicia, goes to coffee with Felicia, goes on vacation with Felicia, white-kights for Felicia, but has never fucked Felicia. Friendzone level: 99.
by durrandsafsadfdsaf October 11, 2016
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