A fish nerd is an individual who is very knowledgable and passionate about the keeping of fish in aquariums. This individual will talk for extended periods of time about their fish at any given moment. Not to be confused with a fish enthusiast. To tell the differentiate between the two, you need to ask the person what their opinion on fish bowls is. A fish enthusiast will act as though the practice of keeping fish in bowls is normal. A fish nerd will react as though fish bowls are an abomination. They will launch into a hour long lecture about how the practice is inhumane and cruel and explain the nitrogen cycle at great length.
Fish nerds are usually environmentally minded and are good to have next to you in a biology class. They are unfortunately very prone to aquaholism and MTS (multiple tank syndrome) if left to their own devices.
Fish nerds are usually environmentally minded and are good to have next to you in a biology class. They are unfortunately very prone to aquaholism and MTS (multiple tank syndrome) if left to their own devices.
by BeanDipFishNerd April 17, 2017
the act of finding out who the nerd is in a group by throwing out incomplete or incorrect information in order for the nerd to ''bite' by adding more info(more than general knowledge) or correcting the original statement or phrase
me: Hey i went to the museum and saw the fat venus.
nerd: do you mean the Venus of Willendorf? when were you in Vienna? did you know that It is carved from an oolitic limestone etc, etc...
me: haha just kidding i was nerd fishing but i didn't know you were gonna jump on the boat like that
nerd: do you mean the Venus of Willendorf? when were you in Vienna? did you know that It is carved from an oolitic limestone etc, etc...
me: haha just kidding i was nerd fishing but i didn't know you were gonna jump on the boat like that
by nopantsboy June 12, 2009
Ted: "Hey dude, want to go to game stop with me?"
Frank: "What game are you going to be getting?"
Ted: "There aren't any games out that I'm interested in, I just wanted to go nerd fishing"
Frank: "Hells yes! That gamer chick we saw there last week was super hot!"
Frank: "What game are you going to be getting?"
Ted: "There aren't any games out that I'm interested in, I just wanted to go nerd fishing"
Frank: "Hells yes! That gamer chick we saw there last week was super hot!"
by Fattyeggroll January 24, 2011
by fenderboarder January 24, 2011