Noun: Any of the species of assholes that feel the need to get the first comment on something as if it actually meant something. These illiterate jackoffs can usually be found trolling Youtube, flash game websites, Myspace/Facebook, blogs, and other places where comments are enabled. There are rumors that these trolls can type faster than they can masturbate, however this is not true.
FCW: first
You: Nobody gives a shit. Fuck off
FCW: if u dont give a shit than y did u comment back
You: You are a donkey-fucker. Go scribble 'first' on the inside of some donkey's sexual organs you cock-smoking first comment whore
FCW: ur a nooob
You: *suicide*
You: Nobody gives a shit. Fuck off
FCW: if u dont give a shit than y did u comment back
You: You are a donkey-fucker. Go scribble 'first' on the inside of some donkey's sexual organs you cock-smoking first comment whore
FCW: ur a nooob
You: *suicide*
by Matty194 November 30, 2009