fest aids

The sickness that follows a weekend of drinking and listening to bands during Gainesville's The Fest. Generally in the form of a common cold.
"Hey, how was The Fest?"
"Pretty awesome, but now I've got Fest Aids"
by Katex November 2, 2007
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AIDS fest

Any large gathering where HIV-positive gay men do a lot of drugs and have unprotected sex. It's because of behavior like this that we make sure to continue spending millions of tax-payer dollars on AIDS funding and research.
Chuck: You look like you're limping. Did you fall down a flight of stairs?

James-Charles: No, I just got back from IML (International Mister Leather) in Chicago. It's a total AIDS fest and I got pounded like a nail! Now what did I do with my AZT?
by lyle123 June 8, 2009
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