When a person, typically a female asks a question she may know an answer to but won't and can't accept the answer.
femiterrogate questions:
A: Does my butt look fat in these jeans? B: Does this shirt look good on me today? C: Why is there so much inequality for our poor and minority groups in the world?

In response a typical answer often results in the now ridiculed mansplain

A: I don't think you are fat, to me you are beautiful but if you feel you look fat in those jeans try another pair.

B: mansplain Yes I think its great. When in fact it looks terrible but saying so would degenerate the conversation in to both parties feeling and acting terrible to one another.

C: mansplain Our poor are by definition and design of economics and capitalism in-equal as that's the system we rely on. If their decisions have put them in that situation perhaps we need to look at where our society could have supported better decision making. Our minority groups are now in more powerful positions than they ever have been in history. Minority groups have changed several laws and frameworks of our society without having initial democracy lean towards their views.
by LargestMajorityMinority January 22, 2018
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