A large crease that is native to the gut of an obese person, beginning at the navel and continuing towards the nether- region, resembling a vagina. The fatty tuna is not relegated to either sex, but instead, fat people. A synonym of "Frutt," or "front-butt."
"Once she lifted up her shirt and I saw that fatty tuna, my boner turned inside-out."
by tim_the_terrible August 8, 2007
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1. A middle aged morbidly obese sexually promiscuous gay man who's ass smells strongly of tuna.
3. A liar, fraud, criminal
3. see Douche, Douchebag
Q- Did you see all the crazy shit that guy wrote?

A- Yeah. What a fatty tuna douche!
by Gut Ted Pig November 11, 2008
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