This is the motherload of all faps. Almost the end of all days type fap job here. A fapegedon can be triggered by an icloud leak of celebrity photos, your mother accidently sexting the school principle, or even spending a night in China and Paris. When tweets and facebook messages flood the internet with #thefappening , prepare yourself for many nights of the fappegedon. Essential items to buy for a fappegedon would include: tissues, lubricant or excessive saliva, a laptop, and alone time. Just know that you are experiencing this phenomenon with millions of other like minded people. If you run out of skin to blink make sure you contact a medical professional.
Me: "Hey Dan, did you see the leaked nude celebrity videos of Roseanne, Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Streisand, and Tara Reid."

Dan: "Holy fuck, the fappegedon is upon us. I must go home to survive the storm!"
by kyjellyfighter September 3, 2014
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