a guy that wears skinny jeans, a t-shirt of a band that existed before they were even conceived and have no true clue who they are, pair of busted up converse sneakers, a belt with metal studs, paints their fingernails black, has dark hair either long and straight or cut in the dumbest way possible and talks about how much life sucks that dates an incredibly hot girl that has nothing at all in common with him
Tim and Dave are driving down the road talking about what happened the night before as pass by a couple walking to the corner, one punk looking guy and a hot girl.

Tim: "What is that over there, she looks good."

Dave: "I just don't get it, what the hell is she doing with emochode. It just makes no damn sense."

Tim: "Dude, its an emochode. Classic!"
by Shaft99999 July 23, 2009
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