An acronym for the phrase down to do whatever. (Created by Alex and Nicolle)
Nicolle: Hey what do you want to do tonight?
Alex: Anything yo. I'm dtdw !
by A.lew what it do April 11, 2008
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Dtdw- down to do whatever. Usually involves smoking weed and roaming around, hitting up cheap restaurants and 2 dollar movie theatres or just doing something by a beach or river area.
Hey what are you up to today?
I'm dtdw
kk ill be over in 20, im thinking we blaze hit up aldabertos, go to the sunrise theatre and piss off everyone by laughing through the entire sex and the city 2
by Masterofnothing[gla22] June 12, 2010
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D(own) T(o) D(rink) W(ine)

can be used to describe a girl or (less often) guy who is not DTF but pretends to be in order to receive free wine or other alcoholic beverages from the other person. The reason why it is wine instead of beer or spirits is that wine-drinking girls are statistically more posh and less likely DTF.
Guy1: Dude u seen dat girl over there? she's been hangin' out with that guy all evening, think she's DTF?

Guy2: Nah, just DTDW
by el_duderinho September 3, 2010
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