Noun. When the media puts horrific or tragic images on a 24 hour loop, constantly driving them into your head, and then refers to the events portrayed as an "unspeakable tragedy" . .. .despite the fact that they have four different talking heads analyzing it 24 hours a day. Often times disaster porn is used to generate financial support. Most commonly associated with 9/11, where every mention of the "terrorist outrage" was followed by an infomercial for NYPD t-shirts and American flag bumper stickers.
"This is just horrible. I can't even bear to look." Said Geraldo Rivera as he rewound the disaster porn tape of the World Trade Center collapsing for the 10,000th time that day. "Buy 'I LOVE AMERICA' bumper stickers and NYPD hats now!"
by Dylan Niles October 25, 2007
A movie with lots of destruction and explosions and disasters. For example: Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012.
That disaster porn made me horny for destruction. BRB, I'm going to go blow up my niece's barbie doll with home-made explosives.
by twentytwelve12 July 8, 2009