A statement that is both witty and hurtful. Oftentimes it may be remarkably accurate.
"That comeback was a straight up devay."
by Firefly527 December 21, 2016
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He can always be counted on for a good laugh when you’re feeling down, a sometimes necessary reality check when you storm into his room and start whining about your latest “problem,” an excellent companion for your needlessly deflating self-esteem as you finish off that last piece of pizza, or a good shoulder to cry on when you feel overwhelmed and overworked. A person who thinks alot about anything and everything. He surely loves his family and friends way too much. He’ll be your best friend and lover at the same time. He’ll try to do anything if he loves you. Is a good person ofcourse but with a short temper.
by George de loùiś January 10, 2018
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