A Dethre is a name of a person who you can always consider as a friend. Meeting him is like meeting a person that you are longing for. He is a mixture of fun and chaotic personality. He can be flexible and adaptable but can sometimes do things that nobody would've think of. He is someone that is kind and funny, has a good sense of humor, easy to be around, mysterious in some ways, outgoing, sometimes dorky etc.

A Dethre is empathetic to the people around him, he can read and understand what you are feeling by simply looking at you. His kindness are often overlooked or unappreciated.

Warning: Dethre is fragile. He just do a damn good job of hiding it.

Dethre is an amazing person that you meet once in a lifetime.
He always find ways to make me smile, even on a bad day... he's definitely a Dethre.
by RelpekCLII-B November 24, 2021
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