
Very attractive and smart person that thinks before they talk.
Speaker 1: This picture is genuinely pulchritudinous.

Speaker 2: Dude you're such a daymo!
by daymolover123 November 28, 2020
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Daymo, An idiotic name for someone known as "dumb" or "stupid" If you're a Daymo it means you have a very Australian Personality (and accent) and you tend do do stupid or silly things to live up to "the Daymo personality" people known as a Daymo Love candy, being stupid, and have a high amount of confidence to do things normal people would never do!
there are very few daymos as they are a unique type of person
"Omg stop doing that it's stupid and you could get hurt!"
"nahh c--- I can do what the f--- I want to"
"*sigh* she's such a Daymo..."
by Daymogurl May 28, 2022
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