that moment when you open you macbook and it goes 'dwah'.

the sound of peak happiness and tranquility.
by BingBongMcFiddles April 24, 2019
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Vagina, Pussy, Box, Pink Taco, Muff, etc.
Mmm, girl. I want that dwah real bad.
by Jnessie October 10, 2005
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A beautiful word that represents pride and punishment.
The object of a holiday on May the 20th.
Something we celebrate out of pure randomness...
The main object of the Dwahliday season.
"Happy Dwah Day!!!"
"Happy Dwahlidays to you! Happy Dwahlidays to you! I made you a sandwich... And it smells like PVA glue!"
"Don't get pitfalled into T-Mobile on Dwah day!"
"We don't talk about Dwah day no no no"
by Hi, I invented Dwah Day May 12, 2022
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