
To be cranky and constipated.
Person 1: "Sorry about that, I'm just feeling crankypated today.."

Person 2: "Today? You're always full of shit!"
by KungFuLambda January 6, 2022
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A person who is cranky on a regular basis over stupid things. They are not angry, just cranky.
My boss can be a real crankypants.
by Janet S. March 15, 2006
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Metaphorical pants that infuse the wearer with feelings of crankiness. The level of crankiness depends on the tightness of the pants.
Alex, chill bubba, seriously, how tight are your crankypants today?
by senorgato July 16, 2006
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A bad mood related to a sluggish gut 🤤
I’m so crankypated I could shit my insides out”
by fligugigu January 19, 2022
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