A peron (or persons) who continually watches news stories and articles on the novel Corona virus (covid-19 or covid-38).
Most people on the planet in early 2020 became coviwatchers.
Dude 1: Man, did you see that another 50 people died and 200 more got the rona in England and 500 in the USA.
Dude 1: Did you also hear that Covid-19 is now in africa and they expect 500,000 people to die.
Dude 1: Did you here that Russia now has developed a cure for Covid-19.
Dude 1: Did you read that the Russian cure doesn't work, but Israel is developing one.
Dude 2: For fuck sake man. Enough with the news updates. You're such a coviwatcher.
by a_fool March 29, 2020
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