
to glide in a car or on a skateboard ect
"So Lets Kick, Push, Kick, Push, Cose." Lupe Fiasco
by velvenhaha June 22, 2006
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ah cose

Me: Varun, do you wanna play smash?
Varun: smash, ah cose
by canadagoose April 9, 2014
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Edoardo Fa Cose

Edoardo Fa Cose is an Italian YouTuber or TikToker known for his ability at drawing and his comedian style, he talks about much and much arguments and he has 150k followers on TikTok and 86k on YouTube, there is Just one thing to say about him, he has balls at the size of the moon
X: hey do you know Edoardo Fa Cose
XX: yeah but I don’t watch him I can’t understand
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