The best looking hunny you can find and someone I would have little kidlets with and I bet she goes off like a frog in a sock
Wow that Emma Cooley is a hunny bunny
by Ford Ranger pk February 22, 2023
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Cooley is a great school but people think it’s where kids will be fake don’t get me wrong they are but will also say you’ll find a hoe..... but Once you know the school you’ll know Some teachers can be strict and rude but over it’s an okay school. People just misjudged it sometimes!!
What ppl think:
Bethany: Hey Martha hows Cooley Middle School
Martha: Everyone is fake and act like hoes
Bethany: Oh shit

Bethany: Hey Martha hows Cooley Middle School
Martha: It’s not that bad tbh
Bethany: Oh shit
by Cooley Middle School September 23, 2019
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crackle cooley is what you have when you are not wearing any underwear and your pants are rubbing up on your cooley meaning your private.
This is so uncomfortable, i have crackle cooley.
by that crazy family July 23, 2019
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The best Gaelic club in the world better they would be the shit outta all other teams and would slap them silly
Wow Cooley kickhams is an amazing Gaelic club

Geraldine’s player :wow I wish I could play for Cooley

Pats player :ye me too there class
by God our lord October 7, 2018
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