A combe downer is a "less-than-full" mug or cup of your chosen beverage. It originates from 1970s Bath, UK. People from Combe Down were said to be stingy and so therefore, a "combe downer" is a stingy serving, usually a drink.
Person 1: *makes tea, half fills your mug, hands it to you*
Person 2: "well, that's a bit of a combe-downer..."
by ABC123abc123123 November 30, 2009
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A short measured glass of beer with an over-sized head. Thought to originate from the monks who lived in Combe Down, Bath, UK who wore a large white collar over their cassocks.
“Here Mate, top my pint up - that’s a Combe Downer”
by I hate short measures! February 19, 2019
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