adjective--a state of cocksure audacity, brilliantly brash and of breathtakingly behemothic gonadal proportion.

Origin-- This word was coined following Stephen Colbert's perfomance at the 2006 White House Correspondents' Dinner, April 29, 2006, where Mr. Colbert, using brilliant wit and biting satire, had the courage to prove that Emperor George Bush had no clothes and that the entire Washington press corp was asleep at the switch.

Mr. Colbert's demonstration of testicular fortitude-- his brazen display of juevos grandes-- has certainly earned him the right to his own English language adjective. COLBERTIAN
His perfomance last night was not just stunning, one could only call it colbertian!

With colbertian vigor, we lifted the yoke of oppression and retook the great land that once was ours.
by KatieOh! May 1, 2006
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Named after the late night comedian Stephen Colbert.
The Colbertian Accent (pronounced Col-ber-y-en) is an accent in which the speaker fails to pronounce the t at the the end of a word in which the previous two letter are either "or" or "er."
Colbert Report

Pronounced Colbear Repoor. This is a Colbertian Accent
by a no lifer August 9, 2009
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