a soiled diaper that has been packed with cocaine to be smuggled over the border. Smugglers often hide drugs by covering them with feces and placing them inside dirty diapers. A diaper can hold up to a kilo of fishscale cocaine.

Not to be confused with dirty diaper coke
ICE Agent: search that one in the wheelchair. Looks like hes wearing a coke diaper.
by Pringle Can Josiah November 6, 2022
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Dirty diaper coke is cocaine that has been adulterated or contaminated with the dirty diapers of cartel members.

It is rumored that during the trafficking process, cocaine that is broken down to be cut and rebricked is often tampered with by cartel members for various reasons. In 2019 videos surfaced on social media of cartel members mixing bricks of cocaine into a vat containing acetone before adding unnamed powdered adulterants. At one point one of the cartel members also appears to add a dirty diaper, plastic silverware, and an unknown liquid into the container as him and the camera man laugh and watch the objects melt into the sludge of boiling acetone and cocaine. The video then cuts to the men drying the remaining acetone and pressing the cut cocaine into bricks for redistribution.
Tate: I just got a bag

manny: did you see that video on twitter? the cartel is making dirty diaper coke
by peanut coke plug October 31, 2022
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