A church leaver is a Christian who has decided he no longer wants to be a part of a local congregation. So he simply stops attending church, and no longer fellowships with Christians, and no longer submits himself to the authority of any church leadership structure. He has not necessarily ceased his belief in God and Jesus and the Bible, but rather he has chosen to no longer participate in church attendance, and all the trappings that come with church attendance.

Most church leavers who wish to remain devout in their faith rely heavily upon the internet for sermons and for indepth Bible research. They find comfort in being able to watch a pre-recorded YouTube sermon at their leisure, or else to be an anonymous "lurker" during a live webcast of a live Sunday morning sermon being sent out from some church elsewhere in the world.

They will sometimes interact on social media groups with other Christians where they might discuss theological matters and even ask for prayer. But the priority of a church leaver to remaining uncommitted to any one church body or group of believers is never compromised.
I became a church leaver when I realized that church attendance was more burdensome than simply worshiping God on my own.
by Innocent Byproduct May 22, 2021
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