Getting so high on chronic (aka reefer) that you are unarousable aka chronic coma.
Hey man, who wants to get chromatose?
by balzanavitch'sbitches December 14, 2016
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The condition(adj, v) of experiencing decision paralysis when choosing a color.

A design flaw.

Often occurring in contact with a color picker.

Phase 1 starts with the uncertainty between HSL, HSV, and RGB.

Phase 2 starts with picking your first color
Phase n starts with picking your (n-1)th color
I can't art because I got chromatose.

Designing a website is easier if you use premade color palettes, because you can avoid becoming chromatose..

One would think -- but it just defers the chromatosing to choosing between multiple color pallets.
by instancer.kirik December 18, 2022
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