Obese 16 year old ELITNEZ HAX0R who only finds e-Dates and takes them extremely seriously. Then threatens to own them to oblivion when they burn his fat ass.

-Life revolves around his computer, or his website. Is scared to go to school because he will be mistaken for a pig, and chopped up and served for bologna. Comes from a long background of fat-asses.

-Hated worldwide.
-Disabled to his chair, which is glued to his ass.
-Has eaten every animal anyones ever bestowed on him.
-Obsession with the womens menstrual stage.
Cerjam wondered what facethejury would do if he put a picture on the site. Sadly, Cerjam tried it on his formal site, and got no more visitors. R.I.P. Cerjam.com
by Darth Logik January 14, 2007
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CerJam deleted my hard drive again; guess next time I won't mess with him.
by childzies March 9, 2005
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