The sleepy feeling after eating a large meal comprised chiefly of carbohydrates, whether in the form of rice, noodles, bread or dough.
Dude, I was totally dozing at the office after that giant serving of chow mein for lunch. Total carb coma.
by El Mexigringo September 28, 2010
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1. Noun/Verb. The feeling or state after the consumption of massive amount of carbs (ex. pizza, cake, pasta) resulting in desire to cuddle, snuggle, and/or contort into the fetal position. The person experiencing said coma will often be accompanied by a pillow or a friend, partner, or companion also experiencing the phenomenon.
"Yo dude, where's Dave?"

"Bro, he's on the couch with Tommy having a carb coma cuddle. They finished off the rest of the pizza."

fat hangover food coma
by ltstlkbtspcshps August 14, 2011
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