A small Canadian town in the rocky mountains of Alberta. Plenty of tourists that can't drive for crap and don't know how to use a 4 way stop or roundabouts. Not one single fat person because everyone is an athlete. Lots of pesky cyclists on the road in the Summer months that think they are a car and take up the whole lane. Also lots of cross country skiers on the roads in summer that have super long rollerblade skis that also hog the whole road and are arrogant. Other than that a nice, pretty mountain town. Also referred as "Manmore" meaning lots of dudes.
by hurley080 January 28, 2017
A type of ass on a person residing in Canmore who is very active with activities involving getting up a mountain. This person has huge quads but no butt, or at least no active butt, no glute activation, very weak in the butt, useless butt.
Here comes another Canmore girl! How do you know she's from Canmore? Just look at dat canmore butt!
All legs and noooo booty
All legs and noooo booty
by Dutch muscle February 6, 2018