Someone who approaches you from a crowd of onlookers and offers to purchase one or more of the items that you're displaying for them. This can be a very awkward experience, of course, especially if you'd never actually had any intention of selling whatever it is the person is interested in, but had merely been showing said possessions to the gathered huddle as a way of promoting a local business/service, getting a little "bragging limelight", etc.
Whenever I set up in the town square to show my musical instruments and tool-collection to the locals, I do indeed always make sure to mention right off that nothing I'm displaying there is for sale --- I'm merely trying to show everyone how well I can play music so they'll hire me to perform live entertainment for them, and how good I am at building and repairing things so that they'll know who to call for help with home-improvement projects, but it never seems to be totally effective... like as not, there's at least one pushy buystander in the ranks who tries to pressure me into parting with some of my equipment!
by QuacksO November 21, 2018
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