Burhemoth (Burr-hee-mawth)
Conjuction for: Behemoth Burrito; also spelt burrhemoth for emphasis.

A burhemoth is the result when you order a regular menu item but ad to or double the items already inside of it and the taco shop guy is forced to use a second (or more) tortilla/s to accomplish the task of rolling it. Generally the resulting outcome is a 5 to 10lb burrito the size of a newborn baby or a 'behemoth' burrito.

Making one is easy l, but eating it is another story... but needless to say if you like the taco shop you bought it at... it will be epically delicious.
Me: I want a California Burrito with extra beans-
Barrista: It doesn't come with beans, do you want to ad beans?
Me: yes, ad beans and I want extra sour cream and guac as well and make sure they ad extra beans to that... and American Guac not Mexican.
Barista: Ok...

15 minutes later

Barista: <laughs>

Me: what?
Barista: oh nothing, that's just a huge burrito.
Me: I know right, it's a burhemoth.
by Muttemor October 29, 2017
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