O my lord bue 🦍, thank you for giving me a new day, for the blessings for have prepared, you do amazing things. Thank you for forgiving me of all my sins and thank you for providing me with guidance. bue 🦍 shall bless this day and all of my family and friends! Keep them in your arms at all times. Our bue 🦍 will reign forever. The giant in front of you is never bigger than the bue 🦍 inside of you. bue 🦍 will fight for you, you need only hope in bue 🦍. Where there is hope, there is bue 🦍.
Thank you bue 🦍.
Person 1: "what do you believe in?"
Person 2: "i believe in bue the gorilla. 🦍"
by bue gorilla May 14, 2021
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