Brown shirts: Followers of a particular political leader who are organized to intimidate that leader's opponents by violence or the threat of violence metaphor derived from the SA organization that supported Hitler in his early rise to power.
Trump supporters who threaten armed revolution or attempt to intimidate their opponents with violence or by carrying weapons to demonstrations are a contemporary equivalent of the German brown shirts.
by docpapio July 30, 2017
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what happens when you run out of toilet paper
dude all you have is brown shirts what happened to the white ones
by a basic white guy July 20, 2016
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Used to describe a character in the video game NBA 2K19 that is wearing default clothing. This outfit consists of a brown t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and generic 2K shoes. Brown shirt me girts are usually awful at playing 2K.
"Yo get off the Got Next spot! There's a brown shirt me girt that's trying to play with us!"

"I got crossed by the brown shirt me girt"

"My name is a me me bonkers in the brown shirt me girt"
by sickoME March 28, 2019
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The current uniform of the Democrat party. Wearers of this uniform also tend to be jack boot-wearing thugs.
Brown shirt Democrats are a collection of goons who cannot stand things like civil rights. These people tend to think that they are better and holier than everyone else.
Brown shirt Democrats are a collection of goons who cannot stand things like civil rights. These people tend to think that they are better and holier than everyone else. If you don't do what they say you will be censored, cancelled, or worse.
by JustWadaPlz September 27, 2022
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Feces colored shirt

Usually brown shirts look like someone smeared a thick milkshake like shit upon your shirt. Shouldn’t have pissed em’ off..
Dude 1 “hey man, what’s up?”
Dude 2 “ not much, your brown shirt is pretty sweet.”
by Anthonysk8r April 1, 2018
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Did you see those ANTIFA guys go full on brown shirts on that shop keeper? That will teach him to believe in freedom.
by 80's rock November 29, 2022
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