Unlike coronabrain, which means "Basically when you lose your shit because of coronavirus induced panic and can't maintain a sense of focus due to constantly overwhelming circumstances.
Tony can't remember shit these days with covid-19 and all, he forgets what he's doing in the middle of the task, they say he got a coronabrain", braincorona is when coronavirus is actually scared of humans, which is why it's insecurely killing them off, kinda like a bully or criminal who has personal self-esteem issues/insecurities, who proceeds to deal with them by either tormenting his or her victims, except it's corona. Also, usually bullies/criminals do this type of crap in order to cause harm, and God knows that his/her actions do cause harm, but it also leads to a lot of good that the bully didn't intend to happen, just like when the Christchurch shooter wanted to kill the people of the mosque in order to stop the growth of Islam or something, but it just led to people around the world being exposed to Islam/them subsequently converting, so lol this guy's evil plan/intentions backfired on him. Corona is the same way: this beastly disease is like that shooter, with an evil intention of killing out most of humanity, and it works, but at the same time, a lot of unintended good has happened (like people being able to spend more time with their families, for instance cuz of Mr. Corona), leading to Mr. Corona's evil intentions/plans backfiring on him, lol.
Just like Dr. Seuss said, my troubles are about to have trouble with me, the same way I am not afraid of corona, rather corona is scared of me and can't kill me. With this mindset, you might as well say that I have a case of "braincorona."
by CreeperDude567 April 20, 2020
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