
Boilk is the noise you make when you wake up after being out on the piss the night before.

It's kind of like a burp except it's all wet and it consists of 99% alcohol fumes mixed with whatever fast food you scoffed like a pig on the way home, like a kebab or a battered sausage and chips.

It's better written down at the start of a blog entry. See example below

Well, that was some crazy night"

by arseblogger September 21, 2006
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A female that, ten years ago, you might have told "Aren't you letting yourself go a little?"

But that was then and this is now - and all you can do is look on in mute horror

Can be used as noun and verb, usually with "out" in the verb form
Crikey! What a boilk!

I saw Heart at the Armory last year. Holy Cow! Ann Wilson had totally boilked out!
by GManIOM March 21, 2020
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